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exploring the noosphere

Category: terence mckenna (Page 1 of 2)

Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World – Paul Stamets

Know nothing about mushrooms, fungi, or mycelia? — Paul Stamet’s Mycelium Running opens a door to an exotic universe beneath your feet. Fungi and their interaction with ecosystems upturn all of what you thought you knew about the button mushrooms on your salad or pizza. Fungi, simply and truely, are incredibly important and amazing organisms. And as Stamets proves, they are a powerful tool to maintain the world for all of our descendants — not to mention their ability to provide a healthy and functioning human immune system.

Fungi Perfecti is Stamet’s family owned company for those interested in supporting mycoremediation, mycoforestry, mycofiltration, or mycopesticides.

Paul Stamets Videos

Paul Stamets speaks about the power and importance of mushrooms:

Younger Stamets talking about Psilocybin Mushrooms:

Great Lecture about Fungi:

Mushrooms as medicine for humans (and bees!):

Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds (2012)

Compilation of various ideas on mysticism and science.

DMT: The Spirit Molecule – Rick Strassman, M.D.

Terence McKenna’s experiences with the DMT molecule piqued my already curious mind. Talking with Elves? Hyperspace travel and other dimensions? Mystical visions? Was McKenna a deranged urban shaman luring others into the world of psychedelia? I decided to investigate by first reading a book. This was Rick Strassman’s, DMT: The Spirit Molecule. It is based on Strassman’s own research with human subjects on the effects of the DMT molecule from 1990 – 1995.

After finishing the book, I had a strong intuitive sense that McKenna was correct. Travelling to other dimensions, having a mystical experience, and talking to other beings are hallmarks of a DMT trip. The DMT molecule is a sort of high octane fuel for the brain which allows a higher level of conscious reality. Perhaps even accessing new forces and energies unknown to current science. Think of the 1820’s and 1830’s and the eventual realization during that period that the world is saturated with electromagnetic forces and fields. Then scientists found that the actual functioning of their brain relies on these forces which were previously unknown. Physics helped lead to discoveries in biology. Perhaps this time, the flow of discovery will be reversed — from biology to physics.

If DMT is the fuel, then the brain is the motor, the engine for visiting and travelling to indescribable places. In many ways the human body is the most sophisticated piece of technology which exists on this planet. It’s no wonder that many call it a temple. Perhaps it’s this natural technology which will enable humans to discover how to really travel to the stars. Or perhaps with better understanding of the DMT molecule we will more fully understand what it means to live and exist as a conscious being.

Brain biotechnology, in particular the pineal gland, may hold the key to understanding the holographic universe of Bohm. He was interested in which part of the brain played the role of accessing the holographic universe. Might the primary instrument be the pineal gland?

I was surprised to find, after reading many books on evolution, that no one really mentions the fact that our ancient common ancestors in the ocean, and eventually on land, had three eyes. The pineal gland, according to evolutionary biologists is today’s analogue to this ancient third sense organ. Indeed, many species today have what is called a Parietal eye. See the Tuatara and the Triops and many extinct species as well. This is a functioning organ in the human brain (technically not part of the brain — it forms from cells on the roof of the mouth) which has roots as a sense organ. Is it “sensing” today? Why has evolution migrated the organ to the center of the brain with immediate access to our nervous system? And what might be its function as  piezoelectric device?

I would highly suggest reading Strassman’s book to enjoy the amazing experiences the volunteers described (as best they could). Even reading their experiences gave me chills and a sense of healing. This is a fascinating area of research and perhaps a new age of human existence will be born from it.

A Few Talks by Terence McKenna

I only recently started listening and reading the ideas of Terence McKenna. His communication skill and talks do a great deal to guide the mind to new planes of thought and his experiences are fascinating to say the least. Do a search on YouTube; a few I enjoyed:

Eros and the Eschaton “What Science Forgot”

Time and the I Ching

Opening the Doors of Creativity

Talk about Cannabis

Terence McKenna’s True Hallucinations

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