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Category: kepler

NOVA – Alien Planets Revealed; Journey of the Universe (2011)

I have listed a few of the better movies/shows which I have watched in the past month.

Nova – Alien Planets Revealed – Documentary about the discoveries of the Kepler Planet Hunter Telescope

Journey of the Universe (2011) – Grand overview and insights into all of science. Quote from synopsis:

Using his skills as a masterful storyteller, Swimme connects such big picture issues as the birth of the cosmos 14 billion years ago to the invisible frontiers of the human genome as well as to our current impact on Earths evolutionary dynamics. Through his engaging and thoughtful observations audiences everywhere will discover the profound role we play in this intricate web of life.

On the Shoulders of Giants – Steven Hawking

I am not sure why, but I bought On the Shoulders of Giants, by Steven Hawking, with the intention of reading the entire 1280 page volume. I was not able to finish any of the works contained in the anthology.  Not because of their difficulty, but because I found all of them, except Einstein’s boring. This is probably because I grew up reading so many books that already assumed that the planets orbit the sun in ellipses according to Kepler’s laws. All the works are legendary from a historical perspective, since they basically changed the course of science and history. The book is a neat addition to a library collection.
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