Major General Smedley Butler had a profound awareness of human behavior. He wrote a pamphlet and speech called War is a Racket, which you can listen to below. It provides a first hand account on the motivations of war. Human collective behavior does not change over small periods of time and it strikes me how relevant his words are today.
Category: war (Page 3 of 3)

Patrick Cockburn explains the recent up-welling of religious warfare occurring in the Middle East in his book, The Jihadis Return: ISIS and the New Sunni Uprising. The situation in the Middle East could be the defining crisis of my generation and Cockburn does a good job reporting the details.
Watch it: The Trials of Henry Kissinger (2002)
Part contemporary investigation and part historical inquiry, documentary follows the quest of one journalist in search of justice. The film focuses on Christopher Hitchens’ charges against Henry Kissinger as a war criminal – allegations documented in Hitchens’ book of the same title – based on his role in countries such as Cambodia, Chile, and Indonesia. Kissinger’s story raises profound questions about American foreign policy and highlights a new era of human rights. Increasing evidence about one man’s role in a long history of human rights abuses leads to a critical examination of American diplomacy through the lens of international standards of justice. Written by Sujit R. Varma
John Pilger reveals the inconsistencies in the actions taken by modern governments to assert their agenda. His documentaries are informative and help to raise awareness of various moral and ethical issues not normally covered by the typical news organization.
He has made numerous documentaries, here are a few:
War By Other Means (1992)
The New Rulers of the World (2001)
Palestine is Still the Issue (2002)
Stealing a Nation (2004)
The War On Democracy (2007)
The War you Don’t See (2010)