A classic, perhaps dated, sequence of seven lectures on important laws of physics by Richard Feynman can be viewed HERE. Bill Gates bought the rights to these videos and allowed them to be released online. These lectures go great as a supplement to Walter Lewin’s lectures.
Category: astronomy (Page 4 of 9)

This website, here, contains 125 YouTube videos on astronomy, physics, biology, chemistry, geology, psychology, and math.

One of the better documentaries about the universe that I have seen in recent years, Brian Cox’s Wonders of the Universe is worth a watch.

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Sky Map provides a remarkable visual exploration of only 400,000 galaxies. Yes, only 400,000 out of billions. This video, made in the visible spectrum, could possibly be the most amazing sequence of images a human has ever seen. Warning! This video’s grand scale may cause you to experience vertigo.