Category: information theory (Page 1 of 3)

I recently attended a presentation on Digital Currency, Bitcoin and “Money-over-IP” by Jeremy Allaire and John Beccia. The audience was general and the details light, but my general impression is that the future lies in digital currencies. Really amazing ideas can be spawned and generated through this new area of technology.

I recently entered a computer science reading frenzy and have a few books in this category which I wish to read. Code, by Charles Petzold provides a readable, accessible, and concise account of the fundamental concepts supporting the hardware and software enabling you to read this post. So important are these concepts to our daily lives, I think that this book should be required reading in all high schools.
Started watching the Harvard Distinguished Lecture Series with Daniel Dennett. I enjoyed the lecture on Mind/Brain/Behavior and recommend watching it. Check out WarOnYourMind on YouTube for similar lectures.