An Autonomous Agent

exploring the noosphere

Category: documentary (Page 3 of 8)

Counter Intelligence (2013)

Top Documentary Films posts links to numerous free films. It has been one of my favorite places to visit when I am bored; I especially like the coverage of controversial and radical subjects — films which are unlikely to be found on sites like Netflix and Hulu. One such documentary is Counter Intelligence, an investigation and history of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. Through declassified public documents and former CIA officers, the film reveals how the CIA has operated in the past. Studying the history of the CIA, one can speculate as to how the agency may be influencing current world events.

Planet Ocean (2012) – Yann Arthus-Bertrand and Michael Pitiot

I absolutely loved the stunning imagery and awe captured in Planet Ocean. Looking at the microscopic organisms blooming in the ocean, then witnessing the entire Gaia system interacting in complex ways, the perspectives are inspiring for scientists and artists. It was one of the best visual documentaries I have seen. Definitely worth watching!

Cockburn Family

Andrew and Leslie Cockburn; Alexander Cockburn; Patrick Cockburn.

Recently have been watching interviews and lectures of the Cockburn family:

Beat the Devil: Alexander Cockburn – Books, Biography, CounterPunch, Religion – Interview (2007)

The Inside Story of the U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship: Money, Mossad, and the CIA (1991)

Q&A: Leslie & Andrew Cockburn

PATRICK COCKBURN: Speaking about Syria

They each have numerous interviews, documentaries and books. In the coming months I will probably explore their work and add to this post.

John Pilger Videos

John Pilger reveals the inconsistencies in the actions taken by modern governments to assert their agenda. His documentaries are informative and help to raise awareness of various moral and ethical issues not normally covered by the typical news organization.

He has made numerous documentaries, here are a few:

War By Other Means (1992)
The New Rulers of the World (2001)
Palestine is Still the Issue (2002) 
Stealing a Nation (2004)
The War On Democracy (2007) 
The War you Don’t See (2010)

September 11: The New Pearl Harbor

I was in my middle school class when the teacher turned on the TV. On the news the morning of September 11, 2001 was something I will never forget. Since that time I have never questioned the events on that date. I was unaware of any inconsistencies; being more concerned with upcoming baseball games and playing football in the yard. Perhaps, as an unaware youth, I was simply relying on the honesty and intelligence of the adults in charge of my life and country. My parents were always watching the news. I unconsciously assumed they were aware and knew about any problems in society. Perhaps they, too, were relying on the honesty and intelligence of the media and government. The elected officials in power, voted into office by my parents and countless other citizens, were working hard for the welfare and protection of the American people; why would they harm me or any of my fellow citizens? Didn’t they swear to protect the American people and uphold the constitution?

Watching the crash of Malaysia Flight MH17 on TV, I had a vague flashback to my memories of 9/11; but the crash I saw in Ukraine looked different. I saw some disturbing pictures which turned my stomach. It actually had bodies and wreckage. But none of the pictures and videos on 9/11 of the two plane crashes away from the towers had any similar images. There were no bodies; no plane engines; no large fuselage pieces. Maybe I was missing something or remembering incorrectly.

I recently had some free time, so I decided to take my mind off the depressing news by laughing at the conspiracy theories concerning 9/11. How could people possibly deny the events which happened that day? So many witnesses, so many affected. I was ready to be amused and shocked by people stretching the evidence, spinning the truth, analyzing fuzzy videos, forming vague connections, and insulting the victims.

Let’s just say, “I wasn’t laughing.”

What I did feel, after watching September 11: The New Pearl Harbor, was utter disbelief and shock. Perhaps the one I watched was edited and the product of political agenda. In my disbelief, I watched five more videos and did some research. However, the evidence is there. I will not try to convince you, just watch the documentaries with an open mind, free from assumptions. Whatever the truth may be, there are plenty of reasons why there should be another investigation (not done by a government organization) and ALL evidence should be released by the government just like any other criminal case.

AE911Truth Experts Speak Out

Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup

9/11 Trillions: Follow the Money

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